big interests and hobbies
especially carcinology (the study of crustaceans)! i'm sure it's no secret by now if you've poked around this website long enough (notably the haeckel site background. love the art, not so big on the eugenics -_-) this has been my lifelong passion and i adore researching about animals, particularly marine ones. i also enjoy learning about marine ecology and oceanography to a lesser extent, although i know far less on these subjects. it is my dream to pursue a career in marine zoology in the future, and i'm hoping with all my heart i'll get there one day! also, i hope to begin a hobby in aquaria soon, with the goal being to start rearing shrimp and dwarf crayfish in planted tanks :Dcreative writing + worldbuilding
while i don't engage as much with this as i once did, i adore creating stories and characters and worlds for them to inhabit. i mostly engage with this hobby through roleplaying these days. i love my characters dearly and think about them every day.