about me (the webmaster)

a photograph of the webmaster, drawn over in Paint 3D to look like his fursona
Lookin' Fresh - Splatoon OST

"keepin' it unreal since '04..."

Hi there! My name is AUGUST, aka CEPHALON. This is my website that I do not promise to update regularly at all. Iā€™m an ecology student from the southwestern United States with a love for aquatic critters. My hobbies aside from whatever this is include fishkeeping and drawing. I also use this site as a blog sometimes where I talk about whatever tickles my fancy. If you wanna reach out to me, check out my avenues of contact in the sidebar!

about CEPHALON 7000

a paint 3d portrait of CEPHALON 7000, a teal robot.

CEPHALON 7000, or just "CEPH7K" for short is my robot alter-ego and the eponymous mascot of my internet presence. he is an often malfunctioning robot with an old PC turned tank for a head that suspiciously resembles a particular Apple product of the time. His circutry is damaged and his chassis is waterlogged but he's still moving through this world autonomously and with zest for life.
